Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Just a quick note to say I haven't fogetten about you! I'm SO sorry it's been a couple weeks since my last post...and I even said I would be better about it in my last post! Oops! It's been a busy couple weeks for sure, and I'll post pictures later this week. We've had scorpion hunts (unfortunately, we've found ALOT), lots of homework, not alot of sleep, hot weather, and looking SO forward to having 10 days off in 2 weeks! Lots of love from AZ, and I'll fill you in and post pictures this weekend! Tata for now! :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Time flies...

Wow! I didn't realize how long ago my last post was! Sorry! :) I hope you're all well and enjoying your summer! The days are definitely getting hotter, but we are doing great, and adjusting just fine! School has been flying right by, fast and furious. The first half of summer semester, it seemed like I had a paper due everyday. I'm not really sure how I got through it all, but I'm still standing, and still loving it! We had a few days off from school this last weekend, so Jon and I went up to the mountains for the weekend. His great uncle has a cabin in Pinetop, AZ...away from the heat! The hottest it got up there was about 80 degrees...much more refreshing than the 113 that was waiting for us back at home! :) Pinetop is beautiful and very relaxing. It rained a little bit while we were there and the smell of fresh pine and fresh air was almost hypnotizing. A few days away was just what the doctor ordered! While we were there we celebrated our 6 month anniversary...TIME FLIES!!! I still look at my pictures and watch my video weekly...such a special day... We are doing well, and enjoying the newly married life! It seems like with school, I just don't see him as much as I want to, but we're making do! :) At school, we hit the ground running Monday morning with an exam and a switch from Adult Health to Psych...but I still feel relaxed and rejuvenated! Today was our first day of Psych clinicals. My group is at the VA hospital in downtown Phoenix. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I wasn't as intimidated as I thought I would be. We'll see what happens, but the first impression is ok...and they didn't commit me! :) 5 more weeks and I am half way through nursing school! We have about 10 days break, and then Fall semester is OB and Pediatrics. I'm really excited to get my hands on the little guys, and I'm hoping for a turn in the NICU is it's available! During our break, I'm going to San Diego...Stacy is having her baby! My last final is on August 13th, and her due date is the I'm hoping she holds on! :) Amy is due in 21 days with little Zander! I'll put pictures up as soon as I get them. I guess I'll get going for now. Sorry for the long time between postings! I'll be better about it over the next few weeks! :) Hope you're all happy and healthy! Lots of love from AZ!! (I have pictures from Pinetop, but for some reason, I am having trouble loading them onto my computer. I'll put them us as soon as I get it figured out!) :)