Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And a partridge in a pear tree...

Only 12 days til Christmas! It really snuck up on me this year...I feel like Thanksgiving was just yesterday!! Things have been great and very busy this last month. Jon started his new job in Bakersfield, and it's going really well! I absolutely love having him home. I almost feel like a newlywed all over again! :) This year, we're celebrating Christmas in Bakersfield with friends and family. I'm working on Christmas day, so we're celebrating a little early. Looking forward to good food and good times! :) My job is going great! I love the people I work with, and I look forward to going in everyday! It has it's moments, but it's wonderful and rewarding, and so sweet to know that I really do make a difference in the 12 hours at a time that I'm there! Hope you're all enjoying your Christmas holiday. Have a special Christmas, and a 2011 full of love, laughter, and many great memories! Lots of love from CA! :)