Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh how I love that it's my friday! :)

Things have been crazy in the Bender house...really more outside of the Bender house! Seems like Jon and I have been on the go for weeks. A couple weeks ago, we went to Sacramento to see my parents and sisters up there. We had a blast! Spent some time with Dawn and Noel when I got there. Noel just turned 4 in November, so I took her shopping for some new clothes and stuff. The next day, I went to Gina's salon and she cut 10 inches off my hair and added highlights! We got to donate the hair it was WAY worth it! It looks great, and it's so healthy!! Can't wait to go back in a few weeks for the touch up! :) After that, Gina and I hit the dress shops, and we found the dress that I'll wear in her and Vinny's wedding!! Saturday night we had dinner at Deanna's, and got to spend lots of time with my niece and nephews. It was so much fun...they are getting so grown up!! After dinner, Gina tried on her wedding dress and decided for sure that it would be the one. One word...STUNNING!! Superbowl Sunday was a blast at Gina's house. Got to meet her soon to be in-laws, and some of Gina and Vinny's friends. Great people, and we had a great time!! Can't wait til the wedding in August!!

After a great week at work, I was off for a girl's weekend and to celebrate my friend Alana's baby shower. Wish I had some pictures, but I can assure you that it was a fabulous time of shopping, girl talk, and lots of fun!

And, after this week at work...Jon and I are heading out to Primm, NV for an off-road race with some great friends from San Diego! Jon's been able to go a few times without me, so I'm really looking forward to catching up and having fun with the crew!!

Hope you're all well, and not frozen! We've been pretty lucky here...although I do have to scrape ice off my windshield some mornings before work! :) Not sure I could handle living back east. What am I saying?! I'm absolutely POSITIVE that I could NOT handle living there!! Hope you're all healthy and happy and enjoying 2011 so far! Lots of love from CA!