Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Wow! Is 2009 over already?! That went by FAST!! Just a quick note to say Happy New Year to you all. I hope that 2010 brings you happiness and joy that you've never seen! Stay tuned for a "2009 Memories and Highlights" post coming soon! :) Lots of love to you all! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We've been so busy!

It's been a wonderful, but VERY busy last few weeks! We had company, finals, Christmas decorating, and more. :) The weekend before Thanksgiving, the Nobles (Amy, David, Xavier-4, Isaac-2, and Xander-4mos) came for a visit! We hadn't seen them since the wedding, and they have moved to Oregon in the last few months. I was so excited to see them and to meet Xander for the first time. We had a fabulous visit! We went to the Grand Canyon (AWESOME!), and David's grandma (and the rest of the family) adopted Jon and I for Thanksgiving. I wish I had pictures, but I will post them as soon as I get the CD from Amy. They are all on her camera, and I forgot to copy them before she left. It was great, and I already miss them terribly!
While they were here, I had finals week, and now I am on a 6 WEEK BREAK! We have been going non-stop since January, and it feels so nice to just relax a little and enjoy spending time together. We went and got a Christmas tree, decorated the house, and have been throroughly enjoying mornings without an alarm clock! :) Here are a few pictures of the house all dressed up...

I hope this time of year finds you happy and healthy, and enjoying the Christmas season with loved ones. We are looking forward to heading to Bakersfield and San Diego to visit our family and friends this Christmas, and I will definitely post pictures of our trip. Lots of love from AZ!