Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bittersweet days...

Well...I'm officially done with clinical rotations for school! Yesterday was my last day in the NICU at Cardon Children's. It was a great day to end on...learned SO much and felt very confident. I was so flattered by all the well wishes and congratulations I got from those I've worked with over the last month there. I have truly enjoyed every second of working in the NICU, and though I did not want to leave, I know that graduation is right around the corner now, and I'll be getting payed to do this! :) I haven't nailed down a job yet, but am working on it. I met many great contacts at the hospital I was just at, and I'm applying to other open positions this week. Wish me luck...I'll keep you posted!

Other than that, not much has changed! Mom came out to visit me this last week. We got all of my announcements out (I only ordered 30, so please don't feel bad if you didn't get one...I barely had enough to cover family!), and started planning for graduation events. I can't believe it's only 26 days away! I have 2 exams and a presentation...and that's about it! Feels like I just walked in the door and learned how to take blood pressures! We've come a long way in 15 months!!!

I hope you're all well and enjoying Spring! It's starting to warm up around here, but the evenings are gorgeous! Sending lots of love from AZ!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Countdown Continues!

Sorry it's taken me a while to post anything! This last few weeks has been fun, great, and VERY busy! All that to say...37 DAYS TIL GRADUATION! I have been having a blast in my preceptorship in the NICU. Each time I go, I feel a little more confident, and take on more responsibilities...and it helps that my preceptor nurse is awesome! She is kind and patient, and she is very supportive! I've seen some pretty amazing things in there too...and I can't wait to be a nurse and take care of these tiny babies for my job! I just found out that the hospital I'm at has a position open in the NICU, and I'm talking with the managers and HR to see if they would consider a new grad for the position! If not, I heard that another hospital (about 45 minutes away) is taking new grads, so I might try to get in there and try to come back to after I have some experience. We'll see!! Think happy thoughts for me though!!

Aside from school, things have been going pretty smoothly around here. Lady is growing fast, getting into everything she can, and being an adorable puppy. She drives me crazy sometimes, but I think that comes with the puppy territory! :) She's very smart too...too smart for her own good! Her and PoliAna (my cat) get along pretty well, but Poli lets Lady know when playtime is over. During Spring Break a couple weeks ago, Jon and I went to the "Hangar Cafe" at the Chandler Airport (a small, local airport) a few times to eat and watch the planes. He had the chance to talk to a few different flight instructors, and found one that he got along with well to help him finish up his private pilot's license. He's so close to being done, and he loves I'm really glad he'll finally get it done! My mom is coming next week for a visit. We have some shopping to do (YES!), and we are going to plan my graduation party! It's going to be at my house on Friday evening, May 14th...for any of you who want to venture this way! It shouldn't be too hot yet! :)

Hope you all had a great Easter, and are enjoying Spring. Can't believe it's April already! I swear, the years go faster and faster... Lots of love from AZ!!