Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So...about the NCLEX...

I PASSED!! :) I am officially licensed to practice as an RN, and I can't wait to get to work! The test was awful...I walked out of there thinking that I failed. take the test on the computer. When it is 95% sure that you have either passed or failed, it stops giving you questions and the screen turns bright blue. You'll get anywhere from 75 to 265 questions, and it can really go either way! I got 78 questions (3 of which I was sure I got right!) and I was out in about an hour and 10 minutes. I wasn't sure if that made me feel good or terrible! ;) I took the test last Thursday (the 10th) around 12:30pm and found out my results at 10am the next day! I looked my name up on the state board of nursing website...and there was a license number next to my name!! :) Needless to say...I was overwhelmed, I screamed, I was happy, and we celebrated with dinner at Tahoe Joe's (a yummy steakhouse) in Bakersfield. Now...about the job...STAY TUNED!! :) Lots of love from AZ!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Just realized my last post was a little bit of a repeat of the one before it! :) case you forgot... :)

School's out for...EVER! :)

Well...maybe not forever, but certainly for a while!! :) The graduation events were great, and it was fun to see the family and friends that could make it out. Here are a few pictures of the week and the various events...

Oh, and Lady had her first few swimming lessons! She did great, and she's a PRO now! :) All you have to do it show her the ball and open the pool gate, and she's in! We started with a kiddie pool to see how she'd do, and quickly graduated to the big pool!!

More exciting news...I GOT MY NCLEX DATE! :) This morning I received my "Authorization To Test" through email and got right to scheduling a date!! I thought about making it after my trip to California next week...then I decided that I want to do it as soon as I'm taking it during my trip to CA!! It's next Thursday, the 10th at 1pm in San Diego! :) I'll drive out there on Wednesday, take the test Thursday, then head up to Bakersfield to get ready for my interview there on Friday! Busy trip...but it'll get alot accomplished! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Bako and San's been a while since I've seen everyone and been able to relax and enjoy their company (without school, assignments, etc!). SO...I'll let you know how it all goes...and I'll post pictures for sure! Hope you're all well and ready for summer! I heard it might get up to 110* here on Sunday!! Eek! Not sure I'm ready for that yet...thank goodness for a pool and AC!! :) Lots of love from AZ!!