Saturday, July 24, 2010

So many things...

Well...I can officially tell you everything that's been going on since graduation! :) Well...I guess you already know some of it...and some of you know more of it... BUT, the weekend I passed my NCLEX, I had an inteview in Bakersfield at Memorial Hospital (side note...where I was born!). I got a call a couple days later with a full time offer as an RN in their NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). The reason I couldn't say anything right away is that I was tied into a 2 year contract for employment in Arizona, in return for some money for school loans. Turns out, they had 60 days from graduation to place me, and they never did...and 60 days ended this last Wednesday. When my time was up, I officially announced that I had accepted a position elsewhere, and I was relieved of my contract!'s official! Jon and I moved to Bakersfield this past Monday (what a trip!), and I will be starting work as a NICU RN in 2 weeks! I go on Tuesday to fill out all my paperwork and all that fun stuff...and orientation starts on August 9th. Jon and I found a house...a super cute one...and we get the keys on Monday! I'll post pics as soon as I get in there and get the house all set up! I'll keep you posted on fun stuff from work! Bought all my scrubs, my infant stethescope, and I'm all ready to go! Miss our friends in AZ SOOO much, but it's also fun to be home with friends and family here. We'll be back to visit AZ, FOR SURE!! Guess that's it for now...a very brief synopsis of our last month! Hope you're all well and enjoying summer! Lots of love from...CA!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrads Sarah! I'm sure you're not missing this heat here. Can't wait to see pictures of the house. Barb
