Monday, November 8, 2010

Is it really almost Thanksgiving?!

Gosh...this time last year I was studying like crazy for finals and writing disgustingly (is that even a word?!) long care plans, and counting down the days til Christmas vacation! Feels like that was just yesterday!! Hope you've all had a great year. Mine's been fast and furious, but wonderful all the same. Speaking of wonderful...I'm am SOOOO excited to tell you guys that Jon finally found a job here in Bakersfield!! It seems like it's really going to be a great deal, and I'm SOOOOOO happy to finally have him home! You know...since we got married, we haven't really had a chance to hang out and just really enjoy living the married life. We moved to AZ 7 days after our wedding, and I started Nursing School 9 days after that. Then, last February, he started working back in Southern CA and I only saw him on the weekends...UNTIL NOW!! ;) I can't tell you how big the smile is on my face!! I almost feel like we're starting our "real life" together finally! :)

What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year? I think Jon and I are heading to Fresno for the annual Olson Thanksgiving. (That's my mom's side of the fam.) I think Stephanie and I are taking our little sister Gina to try on wedding dresses on the day before Thanksgiving! :) I can't wait for the girly time!! I miss my little Gina Ballerina, and it'll be lots of fun to have some sister time all together.

My work is still going great. I've joined a couple committees, and am enjoying getting to know my colleagues, and some upper management folks. I love going to work, and leave everyday with a smile on my face...partially cause I love it so much, and partially because I really can't believe I'm getting paid to do what I'm so happy doing!

Here's a recent pic of the cutest pups in the whole wide world. Deacon is 4 months old and quite a handsome little man...if I may say so myself! Lady is 11 months old and is such a sweet little thing. They say hi, and they want you to come visit them and throw them the ball if you're ever in the area!!

1 comment:

  1. SO good to hear how God is blessing you guys!! I have to admit, the first time I read thru this I thought Jon was going one place and you were going another for Thanksgiving. It took me twice thru to see where you all were really going!!!
    Tell Jon that the paint sprayer we ended up getting is WAY too big for my needs!! We should have gone with what he said, but my honey thought we needed the big guns! Honestly, I could stand on my driveway and paint the neighbors house with this thing!
    Next time, I'll go with Jon's suggestion out of the gate! :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving guys deserve it for working so hard!! {But I know a girl and a boy that would love to have you at their table this Thanksgiving!!!!}
