Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

Got called off from work tonight, so I thought I'd say hello! Hope you all had a great Christmas holiday and that your 2011 is getting off to a great start! We had a great time celebrating Christmas at my mom's on the 23rd with Steph, Terri, Megan and Sam.

I worked Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, and then we were able to enjoy about 5 days with Jon's parents. They came early in the week, and rang in the new year with us. Well...the New York and Oklahoma New Years...HAHA! :) I had to work in the morning, and we were all tired, so we made it as long as we could. As luck would have it...Jon and I were awake at midnight anyways because our neighborhood apparently LOVES to celebrate New Years! :)

Work is going great! I love, love, love my job! Yesterday, for the first time, one of my families took a picture of me with the baby for his baby book. They told me I was their favorite nurse, and they wanted to remember me, and to tell him about me when he's older. I cried, and it makes me cry thinking about it. How incredibly lucky am I, that I get to wake up and look forward to getting to work...and once I'm there...really love what I'm doing. Lucky and blessed...that's me! :) Jon's job is going well, and it's been SO great having him home. We celebrated our 2nd anniversary by going to Sierra Summit/China Peak (just outside of Fresno) and snowboarding. The first night there, it snowed 36 inches!! :) That's not a typo...3 feet!!! It was my first time to board, and it's safe to say, I'm not a professional! :) Jon was very patient with me as I learned, I found muscles I never knew I had, and we had a blast!! I can't wait to go back and "try" again!

Not too much new other than that. Lady and Deacon are doing great. Went to the vet a week or 2 ago and found out that Lady is 32 pounds, and Deacon is 41 pounds...and still growing!

Hope you're all well and staying warm! Lots of love from CA!

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