Saturday, August 8, 2009

Good Times!

Gosh! It's been so long, I hardly know where to start! :) To be quite honest, not a whole lot has gone on...other than LOTS of studying and school and homework! We went to San Diego a few weeks ago for a baby shower for one of my best friends, Stacy. She is due anyday, and I'm just waiting for the call! Here are a few pics from that...

And here are some pics of the fam from our visit...

It was alot of fun, and I can't wait to see everyone again soon! This last rotation for me has been really interesting! It was our Psych/Mental Health rotation. We started out at the VA, and then went to another, more acute, inpatient facility. I was very thankful to my crazy family for giving me lots of experience! :) haha! I'm glad it's over, but I'm glad I had the experience! Psych nursing isn't for least not for now...but I did learn alot! The Fall rotation is the one I'm VERY excited about! It's our Pediatric and OB rotation. We're going to be at the hospital that is opening a new Children's hospital tower in November. I'm SO excited!! I'll keep you posted on that for sure! I also get to do my "Community Health" roation at a local prison. Should be interesting! This next week is finals, and then we have 10 DAYS OFF!!! I am looking so forward to the break, but anxious for the Fall too! I can't believe how FAST school is flying by...only 9 months til graduation!! WOW! During the break, we are heading to San Diego to meet Stacy and Eric's new addition! I'm hoping I'll make the delivery, but a healthy, happy mommy and baby is the plan whenever it happens! :) I'll post pics as soon as I get them! And...speaking of new babies...CONGRATS Noble Family! Alexander Douglas Noble was born on July 30th at 6:06pm. He was 7lb 15oz, 19 3/4" long...The whole family is doing great, and the bigger boys love their new baby brother! All I have is a cell phone picture, so I'll put some up as soon as I get some.
Before I forget, here are a couple pics of last weekend...Jenn and Bryan came over with the Kiddos for Jenn's bday weekend! It was so fun to see them and we're so glad they came! Happy Birthday Jenn! :)

Hope you're all doing well and enjoying your summer! Lots of love from AZ!!

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