Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's finally Fall!!

Things are starting to cool down a little around here...well, weather-wise, that is! It's been nice to enjoy the cool Fall evenings and Jon's really appreciating the cooler weather out in the field. We've been so busy...seems like I always say that! Busy and happy...that about sums it up! :) Work has been great for me. I love my job and continue to feel blessed everyday to do what I do. Jon's work continues to keep him busy, as he is the only CA guy for the company. But, we just found out today that the guy Jon interviewed has accepted his offer, and will be starting in a couple weeks. He seems like a really nice, intelligent guy, and I'm so hoping that it all works out!

We've put in an offer on a house, a short sale, and we're waiting to hear if/when it's all going to go through. As far as we know, the bank has accepted our offer, but we are waiting to hear about the final details before officially entering escrow. I'll keep you posted. Maybe we'll have a home of our own by Christmas!! :) I'm so excited!!

A few weeks ago, we went to Utah for a meeting/team building trip with Jon's company. We started off in Park City, where Jon had his meetings. We did some mountain biking at a ski resort, shopped, and had a great time. Next, we headed to his boss's cabin in Heber. It was freezing up there, but we had a blast! Here are a few pictures...

A couple weeks later, we spent a few days in Vegas! :) We met up with Karen and Oscar to celebrate Kathy and Nate's wedding...then the party continued for my 32nd birthday! It was SO fun to catch up with our good friends, and made us both miss them and AZ so much!! I think a visit is in order soon!! Here are a few pictures of the fun...

Can't believe we're only a few weeks from Thanksgiving!! Hope you're all happy and healthy and enjoying the Fall!! As always, you're welcome to visit or at least stop in when you're passing through! Lots of love from CA! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The BABY is getting married!!

I remember the first time I saw Gina Camille...big brown eyes, long brown hair, thumb in her mouth, and dragging her blanky, with a smile that would light up the whole wide world. I went from being the baby to being a big sister; just like that! Turth is, I wouldn't change a thing! She is beautiful, smart, and talented...still with those big brown eyes and long brown hair, and that same beautiful smile. I'm so proud of the woman she's become! In 4 days, she will be a wife to a very lucky husband. They are perfect for each other, and he is the perfect addition to our family. Gina and Vinny...I wish you love, happiness, patience, and forever!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy Summer!

I've started a few updates since my last post, but something always comes up before I finish! I'm determined to finish this one! :) Things have been great...BUSY...but great! Jon's been working hard everyday, both in the field as well as setting up his new office. It's been a big job, but he's doing great, and they love him. My job is just amazing. It has it's moments, but I am so lucky to really love my job. We've been busy and short staffed, so I've been picking up extra shifts. It's exhausting, but rewarding too...not to mention the paycheck! :) Jon and I have been house shopping too. It's exciting!! Be sure to check back for updates! I'll let you know when we find something, and I'll post pictures! It's been getting hot here in good ol' Bako! I think I'd rather have my 120* AZ days than these humid 105* Bakersfield days! I miss my AZ "family" so much, but we are settled in well here for now. Hope you've all been having a happy, healthy summer so far. The Noble family has been visiting from Oregon this last week, so it's been fun to have some needed catch-up time, and some auntie time for me! :) Enjoy your July! We have a guest room if you ever want to vacation in Bako! Lots of love from CA!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St Patty's Day

Did you wear green? Hope you all had a great day, and that a little luck o' the Irish came your way! :) All's well in Bender-ville. Working hard and staying busy...almost too busy...but taking time to enjoy life too. Lots of love from AZ!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh how I love that it's my friday! :)

Things have been crazy in the Bender house...really more outside of the Bender house! Seems like Jon and I have been on the go for weeks. A couple weeks ago, we went to Sacramento to see my parents and sisters up there. We had a blast! Spent some time with Dawn and Noel when I got there. Noel just turned 4 in November, so I took her shopping for some new clothes and stuff. The next day, I went to Gina's salon and she cut 10 inches off my hair and added highlights! We got to donate the hair it was WAY worth it! It looks great, and it's so healthy!! Can't wait to go back in a few weeks for the touch up! :) After that, Gina and I hit the dress shops, and we found the dress that I'll wear in her and Vinny's wedding!! Saturday night we had dinner at Deanna's, and got to spend lots of time with my niece and nephews. It was so much fun...they are getting so grown up!! After dinner, Gina tried on her wedding dress and decided for sure that it would be the one. One word...STUNNING!! Superbowl Sunday was a blast at Gina's house. Got to meet her soon to be in-laws, and some of Gina and Vinny's friends. Great people, and we had a great time!! Can't wait til the wedding in August!!

After a great week at work, I was off for a girl's weekend and to celebrate my friend Alana's baby shower. Wish I had some pictures, but I can assure you that it was a fabulous time of shopping, girl talk, and lots of fun!

And, after this week at work...Jon and I are heading out to Primm, NV for an off-road race with some great friends from San Diego! Jon's been able to go a few times without me, so I'm really looking forward to catching up and having fun with the crew!!

Hope you're all well, and not frozen! We've been pretty lucky here...although I do have to scrape ice off my windshield some mornings before work! :) Not sure I could handle living back east. What am I saying?! I'm absolutely POSITIVE that I could NOT handle living there!! Hope you're all healthy and happy and enjoying 2011 so far! Lots of love from CA!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow days

We're having alot of fun going to the snow, and Jon continues to be patient with me as I learn (albeit slowly) how to snowboard! :) This last weekend we went to Alta Sierra, formerly Shirley Meadows, with my parents. We had so much fun!! Jon and I rented boards, and my parents skiied (sp?). On my first run down, after falling about every 3 feet, I was about ready to throw in the towel and trade for skis. I decided to give it one more shot...and guess what?! I made it all the way down the hill!! And, after a few runs like that, I was having a blast!! :) I am still working on getting off the lift without falling...but I have a feeling that'll take some time! :) Here are a few pictures...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

Got called off from work tonight, so I thought I'd say hello! Hope you all had a great Christmas holiday and that your 2011 is getting off to a great start! We had a great time celebrating Christmas at my mom's on the 23rd with Steph, Terri, Megan and Sam.

I worked Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, and then we were able to enjoy about 5 days with Jon's parents. They came early in the week, and rang in the new year with us. Well...the New York and Oklahoma New Years...HAHA! :) I had to work in the morning, and we were all tired, so we made it as long as we could. As luck would have it...Jon and I were awake at midnight anyways because our neighborhood apparently LOVES to celebrate New Years! :)

Work is going great! I love, love, love my job! Yesterday, for the first time, one of my families took a picture of me with the baby for his baby book. They told me I was their favorite nurse, and they wanted to remember me, and to tell him about me when he's older. I cried, and it makes me cry thinking about it. How incredibly lucky am I, that I get to wake up and look forward to getting to work...and once I'm there...really love what I'm doing. Lucky and blessed...that's me! :) Jon's job is going well, and it's been SO great having him home. We celebrated our 2nd anniversary by going to Sierra Summit/China Peak (just outside of Fresno) and snowboarding. The first night there, it snowed 36 inches!! :) That's not a typo...3 feet!!! It was my first time to board, and it's safe to say, I'm not a professional! :) Jon was very patient with me as I learned, I found muscles I never knew I had, and we had a blast!! I can't wait to go back and "try" again!

Not too much new other than that. Lady and Deacon are doing great. Went to the vet a week or 2 ago and found out that Lady is 32 pounds, and Deacon is 41 pounds...and still growing!

Hope you're all well and staying warm! Lots of love from CA!