Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's finally Fall!!

Things are starting to cool down a little around here...well, weather-wise, that is! It's been nice to enjoy the cool Fall evenings and Jon's really appreciating the cooler weather out in the field. We've been so busy...seems like I always say that! Busy and happy...that about sums it up! :) Work has been great for me. I love my job and continue to feel blessed everyday to do what I do. Jon's work continues to keep him busy, as he is the only CA guy for the company. But, we just found out today that the guy Jon interviewed has accepted his offer, and will be starting in a couple weeks. He seems like a really nice, intelligent guy, and I'm so hoping that it all works out!

We've put in an offer on a house, a short sale, and we're waiting to hear if/when it's all going to go through. As far as we know, the bank has accepted our offer, but we are waiting to hear about the final details before officially entering escrow. I'll keep you posted. Maybe we'll have a home of our own by Christmas!! :) I'm so excited!!

A few weeks ago, we went to Utah for a meeting/team building trip with Jon's company. We started off in Park City, where Jon had his meetings. We did some mountain biking at a ski resort, shopped, and had a great time. Next, we headed to his boss's cabin in Heber. It was freezing up there, but we had a blast! Here are a few pictures...

A couple weeks later, we spent a few days in Vegas! :) We met up with Karen and Oscar to celebrate Kathy and Nate's wedding...then the party continued for my 32nd birthday! It was SO fun to catch up with our good friends, and made us both miss them and AZ so much!! I think a visit is in order soon!! Here are a few pictures of the fun...

Can't believe we're only a few weeks from Thanksgiving!! Hope you're all happy and healthy and enjoying the Fall!! As always, you're welcome to visit or at least stop in when you're passing through! Lots of love from CA! :)

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