Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Short and sweet...

Good Wednesday morning! Just wanted to take a quick moment to check in with you all. Today is what ASU calls "Reading Day." For me, it is more of "Cramming for Finals Day!" :) I am heading over to my fiend Karen's house soon to study for the Pharmacology final tomorrow. I'm nervous about it, but I'm sure I will pass...just hoping I retained more from the semester than I feel like I did! :) I'm sure it'll be a long night, but only 5 days til I have 2 weeks off!! Have I mentioned how much I am looking forward to those 2 weeks?! :) This weekend will be full of studying too for my last final on Monday morning. I am still in awe about how fast this semester went by! I was just talking to a few friends about how I feel like we just walked in the door for the first time! I have really enjoyed this semester, and have been so lucky to have the best girls in my group! So, to M.C., Blondie (a better name to come), and O.H. (not a bad name if you ask me...sorry Blondie)..."We'll be great friends till we're old and senile...and then we'll be new friends!" :) Love you girls! Back to studying now...I'll update you all on finals, and post some pictures from my 2 week break! Miss you lots! Lots of love from AZ!

1 comment:

  1. what a great post :)
    im gonna think of something new for "president" and "blondie"!!
