Monday, May 25, 2009

Ready or not...

Well, it's time to go back to school! My break was great! I feel rested and had lots of good down time! I know I said I would have pictures, but I didn't take my camera out all week! Sorry! I'll try to post some soon. Today a few friends came over for a bbq/pool party. It was a gorgeous day outside, and the pool was the perfect temperature! They brought their 2 Cocker Spaniels over and all 3 dogs played in the pool with us. It was cute! :) The 2 weeks actually went by nice and slow...I was afraid it would fly by! Am I ready to go back? Well, if by ready you mean do I have my books, backpack, laptop, scrubs, etc...then I guess I am. But, if you mean anything else....we'll see! I miss my friends that I got used to seeing everyday, and I actually do love the learning. I think I'm ready, but I sure have enjoyed my time off! It's been fun to just be a wife, and spend lots of downtime with Jon (basically the first time since the wedding). We are starting the semester with Adult Health (med/surg), and ending the semester with Psych. It should be interesting! IVs, surgeries, emergency room...exciting! The weather is supposed to stay in the 90s this week, so that'll be nice...but I hear the worst is just around the corner! I'm sure you'll hear about it! :) Hope you're all well! I miss you all so much, and wish I could see you! Know that you are thought about often, and loved much!! :) I'll write more in a few days and let you know how it's all going! Talk to you soon! Lots of love from AZ!!

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