Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pictures as promised!!

Just a brief update of the last couple weeks, then we'll get to the good stuff! :) I have been LOVING every second of this rotation! Right now I am in the OB rotation and we switch to Pediatrics in 3 weeks. I'm torn about it...don't want to leave OB, but excited about Peds too! I've assisted in 5 births now (3 of them c-sections), worked in Post Partum, Special Care Nursery (similar to NICU), given newborn shots, tons of newborn assessments...generally having the time of my life! My classmates commented that they could see me through the nursery window smiling ear to ear as I was doing my thing in there! :) Now, more than ever, I can't wait to graduate and get going! On one hand, it's definitely handling my baby fix...on the other hand, it's making me a little baby crazy...but all in good time! No homework and babies for me! Like I said in the last post, we definitely hit the ground running, and it's been crazy busy around here! I got a 91 on my first OB test...okay for this one, but hoping for better on the next one. I'll keep you posted on school, but know that I am in my 7th Heaven right now and loving every second!
Now on to the good stuff... Jon and I went to San Diego this past weekend for a fast and furious visit. We got to meet little Warren Jack Sunderland, and tiny Zachary David Bender! They are gorgeous, and so very sweet! Both doing great and keeping their mommies and daddies busy! ;) Here are a few pictures of Warren Jack:
He's the sweetest little guy! He even smiled for me a time or two! It was SO fun to see Stacy with him! It was kind of a surreal moment, just watching her hold special! I love them both! Can't wait to see him again!
And, here is Zachary David:

He's a tiny little guy, but strong and happy and doing great! I'm so glad I got to meet him this trip! :)
Being an auntie is the best job ever! I love all my kiddos, and miss them all SO much!! I'll post more next time I see them...hopefully sooner than later!!
And, here are a few pictures from Sky Show...and event Jon and I went to at the stadium while we were in San Diego. Cass, my old roommate spoiled us with tickets. It was so fun to see her too!
What a fun weekend! Fun time with friends, and sweet new little baby boys! Can it get much better?! Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the beginning of Fall! Lots of love from AZ!

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