Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last hours...

Hello All! :)
Just thought I'd write my last post from my 20s! :) Tomorrow is the big 3-0! Thanks Mom! There isn't enough time to write everything I could say about how lucky I am to have you! So...we'll just leave it at...You're the BESTEST mom in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! I'm where I am because of your love and guidance! And Bob...thank you! Every year I respect and enjoy our relationship even more! And, thanks Dad! I love you PLUS ONE!! Can you believe your favorite daughter is turning 30?! You're getting old! ;) And, thanks Lili! I couldn't be more appreciative and lucky if I tried! I love you, My Parents!
Jon- I love you, and every day I get to wake up next to you is the best day of my life! Your support and encouragement is a daily reminder of how lucky I am to have you. I am the luckiest wife EVER!
And...thank you to all of my family and friends! I am put together with pieces of each of you and the influence you have had in my life.
So....Here's to the next 29! If they are even half as great as the first 29, I am twice as lucky!! I am officially signing out of my 20s...Ready for the next adventure! :) Lots of love from AZ! I'll post pics of my 30s ASAP! :)

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