Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Visit from Mom

I'm not sure if I've said this before...but the last 3 weeks have been 3 of the busiest weeks of my entire life! Not bad...but BUSY! Jon's mom was here a few weeks ago, then Jon was out of town for a week, then my mom came for a few days, and school never let up for a second! :) We didn't get any pics when Carol was here, but we had a nice, relaxing time! Jon went home with her for the week to take an Electrical Contractor license test; which he passed with flying colors! That weekend, I met him out in the desert for a race, and then we came home. Maybe it's cause I'm a newlywed, but I couldn't even look at him enough when I saw him! I missed him SO much! Awww... :) When my mom came out, we had a blast. We did some shopping, I taught her a few things on her computer, and just enjoyed spending time together! She doesn't get out here much, and I really love it when she does! Here are a couple pictures from her visit...
After all that, I started my first rotation in Pediatrics. Have I mentioned that I LOVE this semester! OB was awesome, and my first day in Peds was in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). I was a happy woman! If there ever was a doubt, there isn't now...that's where I want to be! I'm looking so forward to the rest of this rotation! Tomorrow I'm in the PICU. That's the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. It should be very interesting! I'm excited, and anxious to see how the day goes. I still can't believe how fast this is all flying by! We are already starting to make preparations for graduation...that's only 6 1/2 months away!!! This semester goes until December 4th, and then we're off until January 19th!! I'm looking SO forward to the break! I can assure you that it is well deserved! I think that's about all for tonight! I have an exam on Friday, and I need to get to studying...aside from the fact that 5am always comes too early! Hope all's well where you are! Lots of love from AZ!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

6 1/2 weeks left...

But who's counting?! :) I'm starting to look SO forward to Christmas break! For one, I need a break! We've been going non-stop since January in school, and I'm ready to have some time off! And the other thing is that I am looking SO forward to having time to enjoy my husband without having to go to school everyday! Since the wedding, we've been on full speed, so it'll be nice to just enjoy each other's company! I'll be off of school from December 4th to January 19th, and I'm counting down the days! :) After that, we have 14 weeks of our final semester, then graduation! Whew! It's flying by!!

This week I started my Pediatric rotation. Today we had a hospital tour and saw the departments we'll be working in. My first Peds day is in the NICU, so I am super excited! I'll be sure to update you on how it all goes! For this week, it's some lab exercises and practicing skills.

Last week, Jon's mom came for a visit. It was fun to have her. She got here on Wednesday, and we had a fun, relaxing visit! She and Jon left on Sunday. Jon has a contractor's license exam to take in California, so it worked out that he could hitch a ride to San Diego with her and save us airline ticket money! :) I hate that he's gone all week, but it really was the best option. I miss him like crazy! It's so weird coming home to an empty house! But...I get to see him in 3 days! I am leaving on Friday, after my Community Health exam, to meet him and a few friends in the desert (it's just a little more than half way to San Diego). We'll be at a race on Saturday morning, and then we'll be home later that night. Can't wait to have him home! My friends are taking good care of me though, and having me over for dinner while he is gone. Tomorrow evening, I am going to our friends the Frahms house for a visit. They are special friends...not to mention I am in love with their 5 month old! :)

Then, next week, my mom comes for a visit. She'll be here on Monday, and I actually have Tuesday and Wednesday off of school while she is here. It'll be alot of fun to have her here. I'll post pictures of the visit next week.

I think that's about all for now. Hope you're all well and enjoying October! :) Lots of love from AZ!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Monday! :)

Hi Guys and Gals!
Just a quick post to say Happy Monday, and have a great week! Things are cooling down here now...it's SO nice! It's supposed to be in the 80s all week with lows in the 60s and high 50s!! I love when I can open all the doors and windows and enjoy the fresh air! School is going well...1/2 way through this semester already! Just about 7 more weeks, then a 6 week break, then 14 weeks to go til graduation! I finish my OB rotation this week, and the rest of the semester will be Pediatrics. I'll be sure to keep you posted on how it all goes! I'm sure it'll be great! :) Hope all's well where you are! Hope you can take time to enjoy the Fall and the beautiful weather it's bringing! Lots of love from AZ!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lordy, Lordy...look who's...30!!

Well...if today is any indication...my 30s are going to be great!! :) I had today off of school...coincidentally, I didn't ditch...and we had a great day! We slept in a little, and then went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel! YUM! (When I came downstairs before breakfast, there was a very sweet birthday card from Jon on the counter. Awwww!!) Then, Jon bought me the cutest purse, and a couple Christmas decorations from the gift shop. After breakfast, we walked around the mall, and then got a Starbucks on the way home. So far so good...right?! :) Then, we went to dinner at Gordon Biersch. Our favorite waitress served us, and spoiled us! It was fun, and I felt like a queen all day! I even got a package of fun stuff from Mom...Thanks mom! :) Here are a few pics from the very beginning of my 30s... :)
Lots of love from AZ!!