Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lordy, Lordy...look who's...30!!

Well...if today is any 30s are going to be great!! :) I had today off of school...coincidentally, I didn't ditch...and we had a great day! We slept in a little, and then went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel! YUM! (When I came downstairs before breakfast, there was a very sweet birthday card from Jon on the counter. Awwww!!) Then, Jon bought me the cutest purse, and a couple Christmas decorations from the gift shop. After breakfast, we walked around the mall, and then got a Starbucks on the way home. So far so good...right?! :) Then, we went to dinner at Gordon Biersch. Our favorite waitress served us, and spoiled us! It was fun, and I felt like a queen all day! I even got a package of fun stuff from Mom...Thanks mom! :) Here are a few pics from the very beginning of my 30s... :)
Lots of love from AZ!!

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