Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Monday! :)

Hi Guys and Gals!
Just a quick post to say Happy Monday, and have a great week! Things are cooling down here's SO nice! It's supposed to be in the 80s all week with lows in the 60s and high 50s!! I love when I can open all the doors and windows and enjoy the fresh air! School is going well...1/2 way through this semester already! Just about 7 more weeks, then a 6 week break, then 14 weeks to go til graduation! I finish my OB rotation this week, and the rest of the semester will be Pediatrics. I'll be sure to keep you posted on how it all goes! I'm sure it'll be great! :) Hope all's well where you are! Hope you can take time to enjoy the Fall and the beautiful weather it's bringing! Lots of love from AZ!

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