Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First day of school

Well, I did it... I successfully got through my first day of Nursing School!! It was actually alot of fun! I'm not sure if it was fun because it was actually done, or because I have been looking so forward to it. Either way, I went, and I loved it, and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow! The people in my "Learning Community" (it's kinda like a break-out group) are great! There are 10 of us in each group, so I'm sure we'll know each other very well after spending the next 16 weeks together...8-9 hours a day, 5 days a week! I'm also excited for tomorrow because my mom and Jon's parents are coming out to Arizona to visit us! There is a program Thursday night for my school called the "Lighting of the Lamp" ceremony, where we say our Florence Nightingale pledge and truly begin our journey into Nursing. They are all coming to be a part of that with me. Very special!! It'll be fun to host our first guest, not only in AZ, but as a married couple! :) I'll post pictures this weekend sometime. They are all staying through Sunday, so we should get lots of good visiting in! I've gotta get going for now. I have SO many chapters to read already!! Have a great Tuesday!

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