Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our First House Guests!

Happy Sunday!
The first week of school went great! It was a huge amount of information for one week, but I've worked so hard to get to this point, that I'm looking forward to what I'm stepping into!! (So far!!) On Wednesday, my mom and Jon's parents got to town. It was fun to welcome our first houseguests!! :) Thursday evening was the "Lighting of the Lamp" ceremony in downtown Phoenix for the incoming Nursing students. It was very special and a fun time! We all got introduced and crossed the stage (like graduation) and we recieved a pin and an "inspirational" poster. Then, we recited together (with faculty and other nurses in the audience) the Florence Nightingale begin our journey into our lives as nurses!! I cried, of course, but it was a wonderful time!! Here are a few pictures:
New Friends!! Me and my husband! The whole fam!
Hope all's well where you are! I'll post pictures of the house in a minute...I have a few more to load onto my computer first! ~Sarah

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