Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our Home! :)

Jon just told me that our house is feeling like a home! I agree, and it made me so happy he feels that way! This is our first home, and I love it!! Here are a few pictures. There is still a little work to do, but it is, for the most part, just right!! I am throwing in a few cute ones of Kellie (our dog)...she is just too cute to leave out! She is feeling more at home now too I think! The cat (PoliAna) is feisty as ever...and too fast for the camera! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful sweetie! CONGRATS! I can picture the pitter patter of little feet in that home at some point in the next several years. I hope nursing school is going smoothly and it sounds like the "marriage" is going great! So happy for you guys!
