Sunday, June 7, 2009

Moving right along...

Sorry it's been so long since the last post! To say I've been busier than I've ever been in my whole entire life would be a serious understatement! They weren't kidding when they said that summer semester would be intense! We have so much to do, and not nearly enought time to do it in! Good news is...we are already starting week 3, and only have 9 more to go after this one! We sure hit the ground running on this one, but it's going well. We;ve practiced IVs in lab, and a few of my friends have actually gotten a chance to do them in the hospital! I almost got to do one, but the patient didn't end up needing one. Darn! Maybe next week...When I did it in lab, I got it on the first try and felt pretty comfortable! We'll see how comfortable I am when it is a real person staring at me while I do it! :) I'll let you know! I have some pictures to post, but not enough time to load them. Hopefully I'll be able to get some to you this week. OH! Exciting...we got our wedding video in the mail this week. And, yes, I have already watched it about 10 times...and I cry everytime!! :) I wish I could post some of it on here, but you'll just have to come visit to see it! I've gotta get back to my homework now! Have a great week! I'll write more soon...promise! Lots of love from AZ!!

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