Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Wow! Of all the school weeks since January...I really think these last two have been the busiest! We have so many papers (in excess of 10 pages) all due ontop of each other. I turned in a care plan for a patient a few days ago that was almost 30 pages!! All that to say...I've been busy! :) But, it's going great, and still going SO fast!! I miss seeing my friends everyday...we're only in class together 1 day a week now, and the rest we are split up in different groups and at the hospital. McNugget, MC, and OH...Miss you girls so much! :) Have a fun pool party without me this weekend...haha About this weekend...I think Jon and I are going to a wedding in San Diego. We are going to drive out there very late Friday night, and come home sometime Sunday. I just told Jon he has to drive cause I have an exam on Monday morning, so I am bringing my books to study during the drive. Wish me luck! :) Tomorrow morning I am heading to the VA hospital in downtown Phoenix to get fingerprinted and all that good stuff. That's my hospital for the 2nd half of summer and we have to get clearance to work there. I am not looking to forward to the Psych rotation, but a military hospital might throw in some interesting twists! I'll let you know. I guess I should get back to my paper writing fun! Hope you're having a good week! Remember...when life give you lemons, make lemonade...easier said than done sometimes, but so very worth it in the end!! Lots of love from AZ!!

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