Thursday, June 18, 2009

Great week...

It's been a great week! I passed my exam on Monday (and I didn't study near enough...or so I thought), we had a great time in San Diego, and I got my first, real, successful IV today! :) As far as the exam goes, I brought along my computer and ALL my books on our trip to San Diego. I got through some of the powerpoints on the way there, and a few on the way back. When we got home on Sunday, I finished them up and breezed over my notes. I was NOT thinking I would do well at all, but I did! I was very pleasantly surprised! (And SO thankful that Jon drove the whole trip so I could get some reviewing done!!) San Diego was awesome! We saw some family from South Dakota that was in town, and had a great (but far too short) time catching up with family. It felt like a whirlwind, but it was so nice to see everyone!! The kids are all getting SO big! And, Tommy and Aly's wedding was a blast! It was so fun to see great friends, and have a great time! Congrats Tommy and Aly!!! (And, I didn't have to try to catch the bouquet!) :) The hospital was great today! I've done IVs in lab, and tried (unsuccessfully) to do an IV last week...but I GOT IT today! I've pushed IV medications, removed IVs, flushed IVs, but today was a real, live patient! It was a definite confidence boost! After I was done, I told the lasy she was my first...she laughed and said it didn't even hurt! WooHoo for me! :) This weekend I have SO many papers to do! Needless to say...nothing too much fun is planned. I'll be on the computer, with my nose in my books for the weekend! Hope you're all doing well! Here are a few pics from the wedding we went to. Lots of love from AZ!!

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