Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back to the grind...

Happy Sunday!
Hope you are all well! I wanted to post some pics from the last few days... Jon had a nice birhtday. We went to breakfast, and then just drove around a little and spent most of the day at the house. The pie I made turned out really good..but I didn't have any birthday candles, so I had to use a votive candle for him to blow out! :) I was so glad that his birthday fell on my Spring Break, so I was able to spend the day with him and not have to leave him alone all day while I was at school! Spring break has been nice! It didn't fly by like I thought it might. Whew!! We got some stuff done around the house and had lots of time to relax. So, going back tomorrow, we are half way through the semester. We have 2 exams on Friday, and a project due on Tuesday. It'll be a busy week for sure! I'll let you know how the exams go. I was hoping that our wedding pictures would come while I was on break so I could have lots of spare time to look at them over and over...but that's ok! I'll make time! :) I got an email last week that they are in final production and should be ready any day, so I'm checking my email tons of times a day just to be sure I don't miss the email! ;) I'll post the link as soon as I get it so you can all see! :) Friday we had a couple friends from San Diego visit for the weekend. They are tons of fun, and we will miss them lots! Anways, I'd better get going! I have a few chapters left to get through today! Have a great week!! Lots of love from AZ!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had fun over your holiday. So happy for you!
    Love, Carol
