Sunday, March 8, 2009

A couple pictures...

Hi Guy and Gals! :)
Hope you're having a nice weekend! Did you remember to set your clocks forward? Now you all west of us are the same time as we are now! Welcome! :) Yesterday we had a great visit with some of Jon's family...well, some of our family I guess! :) We went to see (Great) Uncle Ken, and some cousins. Everyone is doing great! It's always nice to get over there and catch up. They are all such fun people! We're hoping to get them over here in the next couple weeks. We even talked about going to their cabin in Pine Top, AZ sometime in the next few weeks. We'll see what's going on with classes around then! As we were heading home around 10 last night, I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures while we were there. Oops! I'll make sure to take pictures when they come to our neck of the woods in a couple weeks. I did take some pictures around the house, and of my plants. The first picture is my Valentine CalaLilly (sp?). It has 4 gorgeous flowers now! A couple are starting to get old, but it keeps blooming, and it is SO pretty! :) The second picture is of the little seeds I planted. They're actually growing! In case you forgot which seeds...they are the seeds that Amy gave as favors at my San Diego Bridal Shower. She had written "Watch Sarah and Jon's love grow..." And they are really growing!! :) Then, there is a little hello from me and my girls! And, a picture of Jon and case you are starting to forget what we look like! No wedding pictures yet. I'm checking my email about a thousand times a day...I'll be sure to pass them along as soon as I get them! Have a great day today! Talk to you soon! Lots of Love from AZ!!

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