Thursday, March 12, 2009


Not too much new going on in the last couple days...just thought I'd check in and say hello. Spring Break has been going nice! I thought it would just fly by, but it's been a nice week! I haven't gotten as caught up on my reading as I had hoped, but I still have a couple days to get going. I started to unpack my office yesterday and made a huge mess, so I took a break on that project! :) Ill probably finish that up tonight or tomorrow. Right now I am baking Jon a Dutch Apple pie for his birthday. It smells YUMMY!! I'll let you know how it turns out. Hope you're all having a nice week! I'll try to post some pics at the end of the weekend. Lots of love from AZ!! Happy Birthday Claire, Angel Face!! Wish I could be there to give you a big 2 year old birthday hug!! We love you!! And Congrats Amy and David!! Another BOY!! :) I guess if Mortimer doesn't fit...I'll try to think of a different name! :)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for Amy & David - 3 little boys! Precious (I know firsthand!) Enjoy Spring Break!!
