Saturday, March 21, 2009

No website yet...

So, I got an email from the photographer tonight, and the CD went into the mail we should have it Monday or Tuesday at the latest. (Hopefully Monday!) :) I asked her about the pictures going up on the website...and although I wish it was tonight, I understand her explanation. She said she prefers to wait to post the pictures online until we get the CD. She wants the first time we see the pictures to be from the high definition CD, rather than the online proofs. All that to say...expect an email on Monday or Tuesday with a link to our wedding photos!! Hope you're all having a great weekend! We just got home from spending the day with some family. Jon's great unlce and some cousins got together today for a bbq. We met some cousins, and got to play with the munchkins. It was a fun day. I took lots of fun pictures, so I'll post them tomorrow once I download them from my camera! Lots of love from AZ!!
p.s. The exams on Friday went well. I may have pulled off an A in my theory class. That grade will be posted on Monday afternoon. As for Pharmacology...I have no idea how I did. I'm sure I passed, I'm just not sure by how much! :) I'll find out on Tuesday evening for that test. I'll let you know how I did! Fingers crossed! :)

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