Monday, April 6, 2009

5 weeks to go!!

It's true! And, I can hardly believe it!! Time is FLYING by, and it's crazy to look back and think of everything we've learned since January. Starting right away in 2nd semester (which we call Jr. 2), we get to start IV's and we'll be working 12 hour shifts in the hospitals!! I am loving every second, but looking very forward to our small, but very needed, break in May. Our last final is May 12th, and then we're off until the 26th. I'm not too sure what we're going to do, but I'd love to try to get home (to San Diego and Bakersfield) if we can. We'll see! Other than that, I'm just looking forward to a small break from the classroom for a couple weeks (and maybe finishing my office?!?!)! I still look at our wedding photos everyday, and just love them so much! Hope you enjoy them too! I just keep thinking what a fun time it was, and how happy we are! :) I better get back to studying...just wanted to check in and say hello! Hope all's well where you are! Lots of love from AZ!

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