Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not long now...

What a fun and busy weekend! :) Passed my exams...what a relief!! We have a couple more projects to do over the next week or so, and then finals! I am blown away about how fast this semester has gone! I love our professors, and I'm nervous about having all new faculty this summer! If they are even half as good as the ones we have now, we should be ok! :) During summer semester (we call it Jr. 2), we'll be doing adult health and psych. It should make for an interesting time! It'll be busy and crazy, packing 16 weeks into 12...but I'm sure it will go by fast too! My last final for this semester is Monday, May 11th, and then I have about 2 weeks off! I am looking SO forward to it!! My brain has been on overload mode the last couple weeks, and I've taken to making up my own language when I can't find the words I'm trying to say! :) It's quite funny! When Amy was pregnant, she always said that the baby was eating her brain...well...Nursing School is eating my brain! :) (In a good way)! My mom and Bob are coming out for a couple days at the beginning of my break, so it'll be nice to see them! Haven't seen Bob since the wedding, and it's been a few months since Mom's been out. We're going to go to a "celebration" dinner on Monday night after my last final! :) I'll post pics of their visit for sure! What else... Have I mentioned that I'm madly in love with my husband? Not sure if I'd thrown that in lately! :) Hope you're all doing well. Summer is creeping up on us here, and I'm not sure how prepared I am for it! I'll keep you posted! Today is only about 90, but yesterday was over 100! I hear it only goes up from here for the next few months! If you don't hear from me for a while, check to make sure I haven't melted! haha! That's about it for now. I'll write more and post some pictures over the weekend. Friday night is Relay for Life at my school, and all day Saturday is an event called TOPS (Team of Physicians for Students). We'll be doing physicals, EKG's, and all sorts of fun stuff...great opportunity to meet people and get our names out in the medical community! Lots of love from AZ!!

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