Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hello All!
Hope you had a great Easter today! Jon and I had a fairly mellow day. We went to church this morning and then I spent ALL day studying for my exam tomorrow. I signed up to work with the kiddos in church, and there was a need in the nursery. It was very fun, and I think I might be able to help on a regular basis now. :) This will be a busy week. I have an exam tomorrow and one on Friday. At least they aren't both on the same the last 2 have been! I think I'm ready, but I'm going to study more tonight to be sure. I missed the usual family time today. Easter is always so fun, especially with the nieces and nephews, and it was kinda odd to not have the whole gang around! But, we had a nice first "married" Easter. My mom sent us an Easter basket in the mail this last week, so our house has cute decorations and even easter eggs hidden here and there! :) Thanks Mom! 30 days left of school (Well, 1st semester anyways)....but who's counting! It'll be a busy few weeks as we finish up projects, final exams, etc., but it's going well. Happy Easter! He is risen! Lots of love from AZ!!

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