Friday, February 27, 2009
The President of the Student Nurses Association for the 2010 graduating class...ME!!! :) We had our elections today, and even though there was nobody opposing me, I still had to win by a majority vote! I start officially on Monday. I'm not too sure what to exepect, but I have a meeting next week with the current president and she is going to let me know how it all works out! Ill keep you posted! I'm excited! It'll be a great experience, great way to get my name out in the hospital/medical community, and it'll be great on my resume!! A few of us are meeting for sushi this afternoon to'll be our inauguration party! I'll post some pics this weekend. I don't remember if I posted this lat time or not, but we're not having company anymore this weekend. It worked out better for them...and us this way! This past week was a stressful one, and I have ALOT of work to finish this weekend. I was getting stressed out about entertaining with so much on my plate...I'll miss not seeing them, but this way I'll actaully get to enjoy them when they come out! Also...wish me luck over the next couple weeks! I am going to be applying for night/weekend jobs. Probably a server at a restaurant, but I am going to start puting in applications on Tuesday. Jon is trying so hard to find something, and has even been turned down at least twice for being "over qualified for this position." He's discouraged, but trying! I figured...even if I only bring in a little bit, every little bit counts!! I might be crazy for trying to keep current in school, being the SNA President, and working...but necessity calls!! I'll let you know, but keep us in your thoughts as we are both on the job search now!! Although I have alot of work to do for school this weekend, I am looking forward to the break from the classroom! For some reason, this week was really dragging by the end. I'll be rested and ready to go for Monday I'm sure...but I sure appreciate the weekends more now than I have in a while!! :) Have a great weekend everybody! Love from AZ!! This is the President...signing out! :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
So cute!
So, the cutest thing just happened, and I thought I'd share. Jon and I went and sat by the pool to catch up on the day when I got home from school. While we were talking, a dove flew into the backyard and sat on a rock by the jacuzzi. Then another one came...and then 2 more. Then, one of them hopped over to the tile that separates the jacuzzi from the pool and starting drinking out of it...stuck his whole little face right into it! Two of the others did it too. Then the cute little doves walked around the pool for a few minutes before we disturbed them by heading inside. I wish I woulda had my camera! Anyways...have a great weekend!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
6 weeks down already!
My how time flies...especially when you are busy just about every waking second!! :) I can't believe we are almost another week down! Only 9 1/2 more weeks and I'm done with my 1st semester of Nursing School! Wow! And, it's been almost 9 weeks since the wedding too! Wow! It kinda blows my mind when I think about how much has happened/is happening! Sorry I haven't been great at keeping in touch by phone/email! Like I said, I've basically been busy all day, everyday for a while now. Know that I think of you all often, and wish I had more time to catch up with you. This blog has been a great way to keep you posted without spending all my study hours on the phone! :) This week we have 2 big projects due right on top of each other, so I've been a little hermit trying to get it all done! ...So far it's been a success... PoliAna was helping me study tonight. She was either learning by osmosis, or throwing in the towel. Here are a couple pictures:
Yeah! Alot of help she was!! :) Jon has been a huge help this week (and every week)! Tonight he made dinner, and he has been helping get dinner ready all week so I don't have to spend alot of time in the kitchen. What an angel!'s true! My coffee is ready every morning, my car is started, my backpack is in the car, my english muffin is toasted and buttered, and I get a big hug and kiss on my way out the door. What a great way to start out every day!! Man, I'm lucky! Sorry if I bore you with this every week, but I'm telling you...he really is the best EVER! My Valentine plant is growing beautifully! I have 3 gorgeous CallaLilly's (sp?) right now. I'll take some pictures of it this week. And, today I planted some seeds that Amy gave as favors at my San Diego wedding shower. It says that they take 7-21 days to sprout, so I'll let you know how it goes. What else? Oh...we're going to have visitors this weekend. Jennifer and Bryan (Jon's sister and fam) and the kiddos are coming to see "Auntie Weewa and Uncle Jona" this weekend. I miss the kids SO much! Jenn sends me pictures on my cell phone and they call every now and then. It usually makes me cry, but I love it!! I'm hoping I get to spend some quality time with them while they're the midst of assignments due on Monday! :) It'll work out! I'm just glad I get to see them! I'll post pictures of the weekend on Sunday or Monday. Guess that's all for now! Hope this note finds you all happy and healthy and having a great week! Lots of love from AZ!
Friday, February 20, 2009
My first night alone...
Jon is on his way to an off-road race a few hours away, so this is my first night all alone! I'm not sure how I feel about that!! I wanted to go with him so bad, but I have an obligation for school tomorrow from 10-1 that I cannot miss. Our campus is hosting the Nursing Career Fair for all of ASU, so we have to be there the whole time. :( Jon is coming home tomorrow after the race, but I feel like that is far away from now! How come when I've been here while he is running errands, noises don't bother me. But, when I'm here right now, and I know he is far away, every noise...including the ice dropping in the freezer...makes my heart jump?! Maybe I feel a little more vulnerable because I don't really know anyone well here yet, so I really feel lilke I'm here alone! Who knows! I'm just glad he's coming home tomorrow, and I'm going next time!! :) Still no wedding photos yet. Good news is that tomorrow has been 8 weeks since the wedding (can you believe it?!)...sad news is that I thought we got pictures in 6-8 weeks, but it's 8-10 weeks!! At least I know that we're within 2 weeks of getting them!! :) I'll let you know for sure!! The video will be done about 2 weeks after that too, so there is lots to look forward to in the next few weeks!! School is going great! Busy, but wonderful! Can't believe we are already done with week 5! No one is running against me for "President", so it looks like I have a chance!! :) The official vote is next I'll let you know what we end up doing for our inauguration party! Think I'm going to sign off for now. Gotta call my hubby and see how he's doing. Have a great weekend!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The last few days...
Hello! Hope you all had a nice weekend and a special Valentine's Day! The tests went ok on Friday...I left feeling pretty sure that I had passed, but I wasn't sure how well! Grades were supposed to come out on Monday...but we didn't find anything out until yesterday night! It felt like forever!! But, I passed both of them!! The bad news is that I got a B on both of them! They were my first B's in 4 years!! I'm glad I passed, but I'm determined to graduate with an A average. I'll keep you posted! The tests were interesting! I'm glad the first ones are done because now we have an idea of how the tests are and what the teachers expect us to know! The questions asked are sample NCLEX questions...(that's the test we have to take after graduation to get our RN license). The good part about that is we'll have lots of practice with them when the real thing comes around!! The tricky part about that is...3 or 4 of the multiple choice answers are just have to pick the BEST right one! It really makes you second guess yourself! But, like I said, it'll be great practice!! Valentine's Day was fun. We slept in and then went to breakfast at Waffle House! It's true! Waffle House! :) For those of you familiar with know...for those of you in California who have never seen one...let's just say it's not exactly 5 star! :) But, it was fun, and it'll be a fun memory of our first "married" Heart Day! After that, Jon took me to buy a gorgeous Calla Lili and a gorgeous planter. It's in the backyard by the pool...very pretty! :) Hopefully I can keep it alive and have a growing reminder of our beginning! :) After that, we drove around a little and headed home to relax for a few hours. I didn't even look at a school book for a second! It was wonderful! We headed to dinner at the steakhouse down the street called The Keg...but when we got there, it was a 3 hour wait!! :) We decided to pass on that and we went down the street to have burgers and fries at a sports grill called Blue 32. We came home and got in the jacuzzi for a bit and then called it a night! I had my camera with me all day, but didn't take even one picture! Sorry! I'll take some this week of us and my new plant and post them. Happy Wednesday to everyone!! Talk to you soon!
Friday, February 13, 2009
All done!! Haaaallleeellluuujjjjaaaahhhhh!!!!!! :) So, I'd like to say it wasn't stressful at all and it was a breeze...but I don't want to lie to you! I can say, I wasn't as stressed out as some of my classmates were, but it was quite a morning! We had the first exam at 9. It was ok...covered some different material than we were all expecting, but we got through it. During the break until the nextt class, the student lounge was more full than I've seen it yet. Not many went to lunch, and we all had our laptops and notes out for the Pharmacology exam. It was kinda comical, but actually very helpful! The Pharm exam took about an hour, and our teacher let us go without a lecture at the end. It was a nice surprise. A few of us met afterwards to have some real food (I made cookies and the teacher brought cupcakes) and just relax and get to know each other a little outside of class. It was fun! Tonight, I plan to not even look at anything that has to do with school! :) Im going to try not to think about school at all, but that's hard! Our grades don't come out until Monday I'll worry about it then!! I'm sure I passed both of them, I'm just not sure how well, and I've gotten used to only getting A's! I'm sure it'll be a humbling experience!! :) I'm looking forward to a special date with my husband tomorrow. A girl in my class works at a resaurant down the street, so we are going there for Valentine's Day. It's a steackhouse called The Keg, and it's very good! We went there with my Mom and Jon's parents when they were all in town. Well...I'm going to go get in comfy pants and take my place on the couch instead of my office chair for the evening. It'll be nice to see Jon again after this week of my nose in the books every waking second! :) Oh, Kellie is doing great today. Her eyes both look much better, and her mood is much happier!! She is playing fetch again, and we just got back from a walk in the park where she ran around and had a great time! The doctor even called this afternoon to check on her. Man, nice guy!! Happy Valentine's Day! Wish I could give you all a big get a hug from a loved one and pretend it's from me! (And give someone a hug for me too!) :) I'll let you know what my grades were when I get home from school on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Poor little Kellie girl!
I got home from school this afternoon a little early...about 2:00. Our teachers had mercy on us and let us go so we could have a little extra study time for the exams tomorrow! (SO NEEDED!) As soon as I got home, Jon asked me if Kellie's eyes looked funny and I noticed that they were swollen, red and draining...both of them!! Poor little thing looked absolutely pitiful! The most obvious sign that she wasn't feeling well was that she wouldn't play with any of her toys or balls!! Of course, I wanted to take her to the emergency vet immediately, but Jon insisted that we just wait a little while to see if something just got in her eye and would wash out by itself (voice of reason). We had a couple errands to run, so we loved on her a little and went to get a couple things done. I was feeling horrible about leaving her (probably dramatic, but I adore her) and even worse when we got home and her eyes were more swollen, more red and had more drainage!! Bad Mom! Anyways, we loaded her up in the car and took her to the vet. He was very nice and very thorough! (I love it when vets treat your pets like a doctor treats your child! Pets are family too!) Anyways, after a battery of tests on my poor, patient pup...we found out that she has "Conjunctivitis" (Pink Eye). :( They gave her a shot of antibiotics, and a shot of pain meds, and sent us home with some goop for her eye. She has been knocked out since we got home, and kinda walking around every now and then like she's sleep walking! It's kinda funny to watch her, and then I get sad and cuddle her! I feel so helpless when she stares at me to fix her! All that to say...our baby girl is not feeling well, but she's on the mend!! (And, I was happy the vet didn't take all night because I have lots of studying to do still...) And, on that note, I should get back to the books...just thought I'd take a break to let you know what was up over here. I'll keep you posted on Kellie, and I'll be able to tell you on Monday afternoon how the exams went! Have a great weekend! Happy Heart Day!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'm running for President!
It's true! :) Each year, the Student Nurses Association (SNA) on each campus votes in a new board...and I'm going to run for President! There are a few reasons why... First reason is: I want to! :) I think it would be so fun! I love organizing things and getting to know people! What a great way to meet so many new friends (and job references!). Second reason: It's true that you only get out of it what you put into it...and this is the best way I can think of to be fully immersed! :) I've worked long and hard to get here, and I don't want to miss a single moment!! Third reason: It'll look great on my resume and scholarship applications!! Fourth reason: I don't want to not do it and later wish I had! Why not just go for it! This is the only time I'll be in Nursing School (except when I go for my masters...but that'll be a while yet), so I figured it can't hurt to give it a shot! :) I'll keep you posted with stories and pictures as I go! We have such a great group of students, and I have no doubt that it'll be a fun Board to be a part of! Our essays of intent are due on Monday, and then we "campaign" for a few weeks, and voting is on March 2nd! I think my campaign slogan will be "Vote for Me, Sarah B!" What do you think?! :) Tomorrow afternoon will be spent studying for my exams on Friday, and then my wonderful husband that I love more than anything in the universe is going to take me out on a date for our first "married" Valentine's Day! Nothing fancy, but now I don't have to do dishes! :) Man, what a lucky girl am I! I'll let you know how tesing and campaigning go! Happy (2 days till) Heart Day! XOXO!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
First day in the community!
Today, for school, was out first day working in the community. Our first assignment was to go to preschool! :) We were assigned a classroom that we will visit for 3 weeks, and then we will formulate and teach a lesson plan on some subject related to early childhood health education. The little ones were SO cute! They clung onto us like glue! I loved all the hugs and holding hands! It was precious! We were in our scrubs...very official looking! Today was more of a getting to know the class type of day. We were learning names, personalities, how the teacher runs the classroom, if there are any kids who might be in a high risk category for health and safety...etc... It was very exciting! We all walked away loving the morning and looking forward to going back to see the munchkins next week. Friday is EXAM DAY!!! Both of our classes will be exams that day, and we are all pretty nervous. I'm pretty set on the material...I'm just nervous about how the teachers test. That's the most nerve wracking thing for me!! I'm sure it will go just fine, and I'm looking forward to them being over and enjoying my weekend!! :) So far, we don't have anything planned for our first "married" Valentine's Day. The romantic I'm married to (or something like that) probably doesn't have anything planned, but that's ok. I wouldn't mind a quiet night might be nice! :) I actually found a great surf n turf recipe that I think would be great for V Day, so I'll probably do that. I'll let you know! :) Happy Valentine's Day (almost) by the way! Wish I could give you all a big squeeze! Guess I'll run for now! I'm going to do some reading and figure out dinner! Hope all's well where you are!! Love from AZ!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
First test down...
In lab, all of our tests are called "competencies." Today was our vital signs competency...the first official test so far!! We all passed, and I felt alot more confident than I thought I would! :) Tomorrow is a test in Pharmacology...just an abbreviation test, but alot to memorize! Just thought I'd let you know that I passed, and I can officially take your vital signs should the need arise!! :) No big plans for the weekend. I have alot of reading to do, so I'll probably get comfy and get to reading! Have a great weekend everyone!! I'll let you know if anything exciting comes up!
p.s. Here is a picture of me from this morning on my way to school! So official! :)
p.s. Here is a picture of me from this morning on my way to school! So official! :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Week 3...
So, the Cardinals lost...I guess it was expected! Our neighbor's TV went out right before the game, so they took off to a local sports bar and grill, and Jon and I decided to stay home and get comfy and catch up on laundry, homework, etc while we watched. :) Not super exciting, but very accomplishing! :) School is going well still. Not overwhelming yet, but I can see it inching towards that! I've had to stay very adamant about not getting behind on reading because everything builds on everything else! It is very time consuming, but not difficult (thank goodness!). Tomorrow is our first "competency" on Vital Signs, and Friday is our first test in Pharmacology. Next week we have 2 major exams, and we also get to start our clinical rounds next Tuesday! That's exciting! We're starting at a preschool to teach early childhood health education, and then we move on to long term care facilities. I check my email everyday for a link from my photographer, but nothing yet!! :) Really not expecting anything for 3 or 4 weeks, but I'm hopeful that they'll come early!! :) I'll keep you posted for sure!! Hope all's well where you are! We miss everyone so much! Love from AZ!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The big game!!
Who is going to win today? I guess I should say the Cardinals...since I'm a Zonie now... They did work really hard to get in this year! But, being a Charger fan at heart, I'm just hoping for a good game! One of my teachers is a Steelers fan, and she told us if we root for them we'll get an A! :) I'll wear a Steelers tshirt on Monday if they win! :) haha! I hope you all have a fun day with friends and family! I wish we could be with you! Our new neighbors invited us over for the game, so I think we're gonna head over there shortly. I made a yummy homemade salsa (a famous recipe from Jon's family) that I'm sure will be a hit, and we're marinating some pork spareribs for later! Yum!! Big hugs to you all. Happy Birthday Candi!! Wish I could give you a big birthday hug!! Maybe you can get one from my Angel Face girl! :) Love from AZ!!
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