Thursday, February 5, 2009

First test down...

In lab, all of our tests are called "competencies." Today was our vital signs competency...the first official test so far!! We all passed, and I felt alot more confident than I thought I would! :) Tomorrow is a test in Pharmacology...just an abbreviation test, but alot to memorize! Just thought I'd let you know that I passed, and I can officially take your vital signs should the need arise!! :) No big plans for the weekend. I have alot of reading to do, so I'll probably get comfy and get to reading! Have a great weekend everyone!! I'll let you know if anything exciting comes up!
p.s. Here is a picture of me from this morning on my way to school! So official! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey you look super official! =) I'm so excited for you Sarah, not just to be in nursing school but to be a Mrs. now. Hey and your first married valentines day is just around the corner. Yeah. Thanks for the updates!!
