Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm running for President!

It's true! :) Each year, the Student Nurses Association (SNA) on each campus votes in a new board...and I'm going to run for President! There are a few reasons why... First reason is: I want to! :) I think it would be so fun! I love organizing things and getting to know people! What a great way to meet so many new friends (and job references!). Second reason: It's true that you only get out of it what you put into it...and this is the best way I can think of to be fully immersed! :) I've worked long and hard to get here, and I don't want to miss a single moment!! Third reason: It'll look great on my resume and scholarship applications!! Fourth reason: I don't want to not do it and later wish I had! Why not just go for it! This is the only time I'll be in Nursing School (except when I go for my masters...but that'll be a while yet), so I figured it can't hurt to give it a shot! :) I'll keep you posted with stories and pictures as I go! We have such a great group of students, and I have no doubt that it'll be a fun Board to be a part of! Our essays of intent are due on Monday, and then we "campaign" for a few weeks, and voting is on March 2nd! I think my campaign slogan will be "Vote for Me, Sarah B!" What do you think?! :) Tomorrow afternoon will be spent studying for my exams on Friday, and then my wonderful husband that I love more than anything in the universe is going to take me out on a date for our first "married" Valentine's Day! Nothing fancy, but now I don't have to do dishes! :) Man, what a lucky girl am I! I'll let you know how tesing and campaigning go! Happy (2 days till) Heart Day! XOXO!

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