Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First day in the community!

Today, for school, was out first day working in the community. Our first assignment was to go to preschool! :) We were assigned a classroom that we will visit for 3 weeks, and then we will formulate and teach a lesson plan on some subject related to early childhood health education. The little ones were SO cute! They clung onto us like glue! I loved all the hugs and holding hands! It was precious! We were in our scrubs...very official looking! Today was more of a getting to know the class type of day. We were learning names, personalities, how the teacher runs the classroom, if there are any kids who might be in a high risk category for health and safety...etc... It was very exciting! We all walked away loving the morning and looking forward to going back to see the munchkins next week. Friday is EXAM DAY!!! Both of our classes will be exams that day, and we are all pretty nervous. I'm pretty set on the material...I'm just nervous about how the teachers test. That's the most nerve wracking thing for me!! I'm sure it will go just fine, and I'm looking forward to them being over and enjoying my weekend!! :) So far, we don't have anything planned for our first "married" Valentine's Day. The romantic I'm married to (or something like that) probably doesn't have anything planned, but that's ok. I wouldn't mind a quiet night in...flowers might be nice! :) I actually found a great surf n turf recipe that I think would be great for V Day, so I'll probably do that. I'll let you know! :) Happy Valentine's Day (almost) by the way! Wish I could give you all a big squeeze! Guess I'll run for now! I'm going to do some reading and figure out dinner! Hope all's well where you are!! Love from AZ!!

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