Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 3...

So, the Cardinals lost...I guess it was expected! Our neighbor's TV went out right before the game, so they took off to a local sports bar and grill, and Jon and I decided to stay home and get comfy and catch up on laundry, homework, etc while we watched. :) Not super exciting, but very accomplishing! :) School is going well still. Not overwhelming yet, but I can see it inching towards that! I've had to stay very adamant about not getting behind on reading because everything builds on everything else! It is very time consuming, but not difficult (thank goodness!). Tomorrow is our first "competency" on Vital Signs, and Friday is our first test in Pharmacology. Next week we have 2 major exams, and we also get to start our clinical rounds next Tuesday! That's exciting! We're starting at a preschool to teach early childhood health education, and then we move on to long term care facilities. I check my email everyday for a link from my photographer, but nothing yet!! :) Really not expecting anything for 3 or 4 weeks, but I'm hopeful that they'll come early!! :) I'll keep you posted for sure!! Hope all's well where you are! We miss everyone so much! Love from AZ!!

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