Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The last few days...

Hello! Hope you all had a nice weekend and a special Valentine's Day! The tests went ok on Friday...I left feeling pretty sure that I had passed, but I wasn't sure how well! Grades were supposed to come out on Monday...but we didn't find anything out until yesterday night! It felt like forever!! But, I passed both of them!! The bad news is that I got a B on both of them! They were my first B's in 4 years!! I'm glad I passed, but I'm determined to graduate with an A average. I'll keep you posted! The tests were interesting! I'm glad the first ones are done because now we have an idea of how the tests are and what the teachers expect us to know! The questions asked are sample NCLEX questions...(that's the test we have to take after graduation to get our RN license). The good part about that is we'll have lots of practice with them when the real thing comes around!! The tricky part about that is...3 or 4 of the multiple choice answers are just have to pick the BEST right one! It really makes you second guess yourself! But, like I said, it'll be great practice!! Valentine's Day was fun. We slept in and then went to breakfast at Waffle House! It's true! Waffle House! :) For those of you familiar with know...for those of you in California who have never seen one...let's just say it's not exactly 5 star! :) But, it was fun, and it'll be a fun memory of our first "married" Heart Day! After that, Jon took me to buy a gorgeous Calla Lili and a gorgeous planter. It's in the backyard by the pool...very pretty! :) Hopefully I can keep it alive and have a growing reminder of our beginning! :) After that, we drove around a little and headed home to relax for a few hours. I didn't even look at a school book for a second! It was wonderful! We headed to dinner at the steakhouse down the street called The Keg...but when we got there, it was a 3 hour wait!! :) We decided to pass on that and we went down the street to have burgers and fries at a sports grill called Blue 32. We came home and got in the jacuzzi for a bit and then called it a night! I had my camera with me all day, but didn't take even one picture! Sorry! I'll take some this week of us and my new plant and post them. Happy Wednesday to everyone!! Talk to you soon!

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