Thursday, February 12, 2009

Poor little Kellie girl!

I got home from school this afternoon a little early...about 2:00. Our teachers had mercy on us and let us go so we could have a little extra study time for the exams tomorrow! (SO NEEDED!) As soon as I got home, Jon asked me if Kellie's eyes looked funny and I noticed that they were swollen, red and draining...both of them!! Poor little thing looked absolutely pitiful! The most obvious sign that she wasn't feeling well was that she wouldn't play with any of her toys or balls!! Of course, I wanted to take her to the emergency vet immediately, but Jon insisted that we just wait a little while to see if something just got in her eye and would wash out by itself (voice of reason). We had a couple errands to run, so we loved on her a little and went to get a couple things done. I was feeling horrible about leaving her (probably dramatic, but I adore her) and even worse when we got home and her eyes were more swollen, more red and had more drainage!! Bad Mom! Anyways, we loaded her up in the car and took her to the vet. He was very nice and very thorough! (I love it when vets treat your pets like a doctor treats your child! Pets are family too!) Anyways, after a battery of tests on my poor, patient pup...we found out that she has "Conjunctivitis" (Pink Eye). :( They gave her a shot of antibiotics, and a shot of pain meds, and sent us home with some goop for her eye. She has been knocked out since we got home, and kinda walking around every now and then like she's sleep walking! It's kinda funny to watch her, and then I get sad and cuddle her! I feel so helpless when she stares at me to fix her! All that to say...our baby girl is not feeling well, but she's on the mend!! (And, I was happy the vet didn't take all night because I have lots of studying to do still...) And, on that note, I should get back to the books...just thought I'd take a break to let you know what was up over here. I'll keep you posted on Kellie, and I'll be able to tell you on Monday afternoon how the exams went! Have a great weekend! Happy Heart Day!

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