Friday, February 20, 2009

My first night alone...

Jon is on his way to an off-road race a few hours away, so this is my first night all alone! I'm not sure how I feel about that!! I wanted to go with him so bad, but I have an obligation for school tomorrow from 10-1 that I cannot miss. Our campus is hosting the Nursing Career Fair for all of ASU, so we have to be there the whole time. :( Jon is coming home tomorrow after the race, but I feel like that is far away from now! How come when I've been here while he is running errands, noises don't bother me. But, when I'm here right now, and I know he is far away, every noise...including the ice dropping in the freezer...makes my heart jump?! Maybe I feel a little more vulnerable because I don't really know anyone well here yet, so I really feel lilke I'm here alone! Who knows! I'm just glad he's coming home tomorrow, and I'm going next time!! :) Still no wedding photos yet. Good news is that tomorrow has been 8 weeks since the wedding (can you believe it?!)...sad news is that I thought we got pictures in 6-8 weeks, but it's 8-10 weeks!! At least I know that we're within 2 weeks of getting them!! :) I'll let you know for sure!! The video will be done about 2 weeks after that too, so there is lots to look forward to in the next few weeks!! School is going great! Busy, but wonderful! Can't believe we are already done with week 5! No one is running against me for "President", so it looks like I have a chance!! :) The official vote is next I'll let you know what we end up doing for our inauguration party! Think I'm going to sign off for now. Gotta call my hubby and see how he's doing. Have a great weekend!!!

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