Friday, February 27, 2009


The President of the Student Nurses Association for the 2010 graduating class...ME!!! :) We had our elections today, and even though there was nobody opposing me, I still had to win by a majority vote! I start officially on Monday. I'm not too sure what to exepect, but I have a meeting next week with the current president and she is going to let me know how it all works out! Ill keep you posted! I'm excited! It'll be a great experience, great way to get my name out in the hospital/medical community, and it'll be great on my resume!! A few of us are meeting for sushi this afternoon to'll be our inauguration party! I'll post some pics this weekend. I don't remember if I posted this lat time or not, but we're not having company anymore this weekend. It worked out better for them...and us this way! This past week was a stressful one, and I have ALOT of work to finish this weekend. I was getting stressed out about entertaining with so much on my plate...I'll miss not seeing them, but this way I'll actaully get to enjoy them when they come out! Also...wish me luck over the next couple weeks! I am going to be applying for night/weekend jobs. Probably a server at a restaurant, but I am going to start puting in applications on Tuesday. Jon is trying so hard to find something, and has even been turned down at least twice for being "over qualified for this position." He's discouraged, but trying! I figured...even if I only bring in a little bit, every little bit counts!! I might be crazy for trying to keep current in school, being the SNA President, and working...but necessity calls!! I'll let you know, but keep us in your thoughts as we are both on the job search now!! Although I have alot of work to do for school this weekend, I am looking forward to the break from the classroom! For some reason, this week was really dragging by the end. I'll be rested and ready to go for Monday I'm sure...but I sure appreciate the weekends more now than I have in a while!! :) Have a great weekend everybody! Love from AZ!! This is the President...signing out! :)

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