Tuesday, February 24, 2009

6 weeks down already!

My how time flies...especially when you are busy just about every waking second!! :) I can't believe we are almost another week down! Only 9 1/2 more weeks and I'm done with my 1st semester of Nursing School! Wow! And, it's been almost 9 weeks since the wedding too! Wow! It kinda blows my mind when I think about how much has happened/is happening! Sorry I haven't been great at keeping in touch by phone/email! Like I said, I've basically been busy all day, everyday for a while now. Know that I think of you all often, and wish I had more time to catch up with you. This blog has been a great way to keep you posted without spending all my study hours on the phone! :) This week we have 2 big projects due right on top of each other, so I've been a little hermit trying to get it all done! ...So far it's been a success... PoliAna was helping me study tonight. She was either learning by osmosis, or throwing in the towel. Here are a couple pictures:
Yeah! Alot of help she was!! :) Jon has been a huge help this week (and every week)! Tonight he made dinner, and he has been helping get dinner ready all week so I don't have to spend alot of time in the kitchen. What an angel! Really...it's true! My coffee is ready every morning, my car is started, my backpack is in the car, my english muffin is toasted and buttered, and I get a big hug and kiss on my way out the door. What a great way to start out every day!! Man, I'm lucky! Sorry if I bore you with this every week, but I'm telling you...he really is the best EVER! My Valentine plant is growing beautifully! I have 3 gorgeous CallaLilly's (sp?) right now. I'll take some pictures of it this week. And, today I planted some seeds that Amy gave as favors at my San Diego wedding shower. It says that they take 7-21 days to sprout, so I'll let you know how it goes. What else? Oh...we're going to have visitors this weekend. Jennifer and Bryan (Jon's sister and fam) and the kiddos are coming to see "Auntie Weewa and Uncle Jona" this weekend. I miss the kids SO much! Jenn sends me pictures on my cell phone and they call every now and then. It usually makes me cry, but I love it!! I'm hoping I get to spend some quality time with them while they're here...in the midst of assignments due on Monday! :) It'll work out! I'm just glad I get to see them! I'll post pictures of the weekend on Sunday or Monday. Guess that's all for now! Hope this note finds you all happy and healthy and having a great week! Lots of love from AZ!

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